Legal Notices

Legal Notices for

All website text copy and graphics images copyright © 2011-2023, Portland Kettle Works, LLC. All rights reserved.™ is a trademark of Portland Kettleworks, LLC

Architects of Liquid Innovation™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

HopMaster™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

El Diablo™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

El Chingon™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

KegMaster™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

BoochMaster™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

BuzzBomb™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

Vitis™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC™ is a trademark of Portland Kettle Works, LLC

Germ-Fogger™ is a trademark of Germ Fogger, LLC

All other trademarks are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.

Page: Legal Notices

Portland Kettle Works was founded in 2011 in Portland, Oregon USA. We build high-quality stainless steel beverage and brewing equipment. We have built and installed hundreds of state of the art craft breweries worldwide. As a result, our craft brewing clients are among the best of the best. They regularly win beer tasting competitions and they have the gold, silver and bronze medals to prove it. So, if you’re serious about your craft brewing business, contact us so we can help you, too. And if you’re located in Mexico or Latin America, click here to visit our Spanish language site.